Saggas and Lepicentre donate a vehicle to AFACAM for transporting the association’s users

Saggas and the Lepicentre shopping center have donated an adapted vehicle to the Asociación de Familiares de Personas con Enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras Demencias del Camp de Morvedre y Puçol (AFACAM) for transporting the users of the center. The event was attended by Laura Marco, Head of Human Resources and Legal Services at Saggas; Elena Ribelles, Director of Lepicentre; and Valentín Parra and Amparo Arnau, President and Director of AFACAM, respectively.

Saggas and Lepicentre signed a collaboration agreement to jointly finance the acquisition of this vehicle, which will be used for the daily transportation of patients from the region to the AFACAM center in Sagunto.

The President of AFACAM, Valentín Parra, expressed the association’s gratitude to both companies for making this new resource possible, stating that it “will provide support to sick people and their families, making it easier for them to reach our facilities”.

Established in 2003, AFACAM’s primary goal is to provide psychological and therapeutic support to people with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias and their families. The association, recognized as a public utility, currently has over 420 members and 84 users who are cared for daily, with a service area that covers 17 towns.

According to AFACAM, “this donation is a great help to the association, which could not afford to purchase a vehicle of this kind, so we are extremely grateful and satisfied”.