Saggas collaborates with the Master’s in Industrial Safety at UPV

Saggas is one of the collaborators for the Master’s Degree in Industrial Safety offered by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). This degree, the first official program in this field in Spain, aims to train engineering professionals in the prevention and control of risks associated with the use and operation of industrial facilities.

The master’s program, which is the first official degree of its kind in Spain, was recently recognized with the “Innovative Initiative in Safety and Industrial Quality” award at the III Industrial Safety Awards organized by the Asociación Valenciana de Entidades de Inspección (ASEIVAL). These awards are part of the action plan to promote industrial safety by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce, and Tourism of the Valencian Government.

The degree consists of 60 credits and is aimed at graduates and university degree holders in industrial engineering. Its compulsory module covers industrial safety through three core subjects: process safety; safety of equipment, facilities, products, and services; and management and sustainability of industrial safety.

The company’s collaboration with this degree is part of Saggas’ firm commitment to training, providing expertise and professional insight into the field of management and sustainability of industrial safety.