Winning drawing chosen for the Christmas card contest

Saggas has selected the winning drawing for its traditional Christmas card contest, an initiative that is part of the company’s Social Responsibility policy and is organized in collaboration with the San Cristóbal Occupational Center in Sagunto.

In this edition, the winning drawing was created by Manuel Francisco Escrig Peris, while the finalists were the works of Diego Pérez Pardo, Manuel Sánchez Burgalés, Rosana Arrojo Alepuz, and Tomás Martínez Baisido. The winning drawing was chosen through a vote among all the plant’s employees.

To thank the center’s users for their participation year after year in this initiative, Saggas organized an outing to the bowling alley in Canet d’en Berenguer, where a diploma was awarded to the contest winner.

Additionally, this year, in celebration of the Christmas holidays, Saggas organized a charity market at its facilities, where employees could purchase products made in the various workshops at the center. All proceeds were donated to the center to support its activities.

The San Cristóbal Occupational Center in Sagunto serves people with intellectual disabilities from the Camp de Morvedre region, with varying levels of intelligence, personal autonomy, social autonomy, and manual skills. The center conducts various work tasks and workshops aimed at preparing individuals with disabilities to cope with the demands of everyday life and work.